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Hips, lips and fashion tips


  • Curl your eyelashes! I know it sucks. But it’s so worth it. No amount of makeup or mascara is going to give u the same effect of just curling your lashes. Sometimes I don’t even wear makeup and I’ll just curl my eyelashes anyway for just a little oomph

  1. Go slowwww when crimping, it will hurt if u catch some skin (not that I have to tell you). Start halfway down your lashes. This 1) curls the tips.. which tend to ‘fall’ if they’re packed with mascara 2) it gathers the lashes together all nice so when u go in to curl the base of the lashes ur not fighting with all the hairs. *

  2. Curl them a bunch of times before adding mascara.. I curl my lashes like… a stupid amount.. like 5-10 times per eye, minumum, before I even put mascara on. Like I said mascara with weigh them down immediately so don’t worry if they look over curled. I tend to do my hair in 3 sections. And so between each section of hair I stop.. let the straightener heat back up and curl my lashes

  • Only buy lipstick with blue undertones and NOT orange or yellow undertones. Especially reds. Orange undertones make teeth look yellow while blue undertones make them look whiter


  • Use a ceramic straightener.. NO METAL!!

  • Homemade shampoo: Baking soda and water; I only wash my hair every 4 days and i do it once and it holds a curl (without product) until I shower again

  • Use a skinny straightener to curl hair instead of a curler

  1. when curling; try to grab different sized sections of hair or use varying sized barrels to get big, full, natural looking curls

  • Rinse hair and skin under Cool water before exiting the shower which closes pores and hair shafts reducing frizz and leaving hair and skin looking glowy… if u dare !


  • Work up a sweat in the bathroom before showering another little time saver (bonus laundry saver if you do it nude) I try to exercise in the bathroom before showering. Giving myself like 20 minutes minimum to just do some squats and exercises.. work up a little sweat before hopping in the shower and washing it off. Sweating also opens your pores making cleansers more effective

^ this is also a great time to put on any masks that need to be rinsed put or use this time to rub some lemon over the dark areas of your skin (elbows, armpits bikini area, etc.) to lighten them and rinse it off in the shower

  • Use a buzzer instead of a razor.. 95% of the time I use a buzzer.. legs, admits, bikini area.. 1) it’s saves time 2) you can buzz in or out of the shower and 3) I hate razor itch more then anything.. and u look like a money scratching ur pits or a pedophile scratching ur crotch for the next 2 days after shaving. There are times when u NEED to get close and that calls for a razor. But the majority of the time you can get away with a buzzer.. think of how smooth a mans face gets.. And they make ones specifically for women.

  • Alright this ones a little strange but I actually brush my teeth every time I poop lol I’m already in the bathroom. Just sitting there doing nothing.. and if you're a healthy pooper then your brushing ur teeth 2+ times per day. Also it’s just an easy reminder.. before I started doing this I would sometimes forget, only to realize 10 minutes after I left the house for the day that I didn’t brush… yuck!


  • No empire waists.. ever.. they don’t look good on anyone.. it makes perfect models look like they have no curves and it makes curvy women look pregnant. Just don’t do it.. trust me. Instead try a fitted shirt. One that gently hugs the waist. Or even a belt.

  • Try red: pretty pretty please try red.. lips, clothes, heels, nails. Just try it. I don’t care if your blond, brunette or a redhead. Pale skin, olive skin, brown skin. Make sure u try it on before buying.. don’t just buy it because you like the shade of red.. there are a lot of different shades of red so make sure it goes well with your skin color. You'll know if it DOESNT match.. trust your instincts. If ur still unsure ask an employee for an ‘honest opinion’. (Specify honest opinion in order to show that your not just fishing for compliments) Bonus points if you actually wear it out and don’t just let it sit in the back of your closet. U might not like it but at least u tried it. And I would put money on the likelihood that you receive compliments and/or the man in ur life ends up loving it on you.

  • Let him dress you Trust ur man.. and if u can’t do that.. then you can put ALL ur faith in the fact that he wants to be seen with a hot girl just as much as you want to feel sexy. So let him dress u sometimes (if he’s willing.. which he should be.. cuz that’s hot as fuck) and ask him for his opinion as often as it strikes you.Even if u don’t like what he chooses.. don’t just suggest something else.. TRY WEARING IT.. he’s the one who has to look at u all night anyway. And if he doesn’t like it u bet ur ass he won’t be suggesting that next time lol

  • Don’t add unnecessary pieces u will rarely ever see me with a belt that isn’t actually holding up my pants. Or a scarf on a warm day. Or even sunglasses on a cloudy day. If it’s unnecessary then drop it it’s not doing u any good and even on the best day- u carried it around all day and never used it.. on a bad day- I probably lost it (I don’t mean accessories like jewelry shoes or bags)

  • Dont wear brands or labels my grandfather always said “why spend your hard earned money on anything that has a brand or name sprawled across it? They should be paying YOU for the free advertising” and I’ve always taken that to heart. My only 2 exceptions are musicians and sports teams.. and that’s because you are actually trying to show your support.

  • Black is and always will be your best friend. But find your “color” or 2 (ones that compliment your skin, hair and eyes) and try to wear that just as often

  • Bonus tip. Take notice when people compliment you. If they say something along the lines of “I like that shirt” or “that shirt looks nice” - they are most often complimenting the shirt. If they say “you look nice in that shirt” or - then they are compliment YOU and more likely then not.. the color on you take notice when people makes unsolicited compliments.. especially if u get multiple compliments in one day.. and note what they are complimenting u on. Hair, makeup, shirt color.. and then recreate that look as often as it suits your

  • Often times people (females) won’t go out of their way to compliment you on something unless they really like it. They’re not doing it to make u feel better… or to snicker at u once u turn your back. If someone compliments you take its graciously. Say thank you, and make a mental note the compliment

  • I’ve even been known to write down compliments that I get.. including the date.. especially if they are very sincere and heartfelt. And I go back and read them on my sadder days

  • Find your shape and dress for it.

  • FOR THE LOVE OF GOD USE UR ASSETS ; whatever they may be.. eyes, boobs, ass, arms, neck.. I don’t care.. accent them, highlight them, point a neon sign at them.. do what you gotta do to show em off

  • Be comfortable: I learned this one the hard way.. after years of tugging at my shirt.. pulling up my pants.. and sucking in my stomach.. 1) u look uncomfortable.. 2) you feel uncomfortable.. and 3) everyone knows exactly what your doing… so finally I learned to just buy clothes that I’m comfortable wearing. No comfy.. no monies.

  • Find your bra style and size once and for all.. Personally, the style that fits me best is balconette. It has and always the balconette style. Trust me it will make it a lot easier to bra shop and just live life in general. And it’s such a relief to not have to 'adjust’ every 2 seconds or be surprised once I finally glance down only to notice that they’ve come completely untethered inside my shirt and now im wondering when was the last time I even looked in a downward direction.

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